Jacob Muirhead- Project 2
This application creates a cube when the user left clicks or a sphere when the user right clicks. The user can change the color of the cubes get spawned with a dropdown menu, if left on the default option the cube will be grey. The sphere will always be black. There is another dropdown menu which allows the user to select how many cubes get spawned in cluster mode. The variation in the distance between cubes can be selected with the slider, and there is a toggle which lets the user choose between spawning all white cubes or getting a randomized color for each cube. After 3 seconds the cubes or spheres get deleted.
Feature 1- Timer that counts how long the user has had the application open.
Feature 2- Dropdown menu which when the user chooses a value changes the left click to a cluster spawn mode. Once a value between 1 and 5 is chosen, whenever the user left clicks that many cubes will be spawned every frame with variation in their location.
Feature 3- The random color toggle when toggled on will make it so every time when a cube is spawned in cluster mode it will get a randomized color
Feature 4- Slider value which determines how much variation there will be in the cluster cube spawns. When set to its lowest value, 1, the cubes will spawn very close together, when set to its highest value, 10, they will spawn all across the screen.
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